We just got engaged last Friday (DEC. 21, 2007). It happened at Vero beach, FL. My original plans to propose were supposed to take place further south around Ft. Pierce, but I got there faster than expected. Lovedy was sleeping the whole way up from Miami. You would think that by letting her sleep she would be in a better mood, but as soon as she woke up, she looked around and looked at the time and yelled "Why are we stopping, keep going north!"

She was right.. It was around 5:18am and we were expecting the sun to be coming up around 6am (which was incorrect, it actually rose at 7:15am). I kept driving north and thank god for my mobile Google maps I was able to see which causeway I could take further north. I was getting a little nervous since I wanted to make sure there was a public beach at the point we would cross over the causeway to the sand and that it would give me enough time to see the sunrise.

We got to Vero beach and I decided to take the next causeway there and wait for the sunrise. The causeway on 17th Street took us directly to a small park. I got off the car to make sure it was a good place to walk to the beach. It was dark, but it turned out to be perfect. At this small park there were some restrooms to the left and you had to cross a walkway to go through the mangroves and a dune in order to reach the sand. The beach was isolated at that time. I walked back to the car and waited a little longer to wake Lovedy.

Around the time I though the sun might be coming up I decided to wake Lovedy up. She was cranky as can be. She didn't want to get out of the car or see the sunrise. I convinced her to come. The whole way she was complaining that she didn't want to get sand on her shoes and how it was cold. We finally got out to the sand and we found an empty lifeguard station (
You can see the exact location in google maps if you search for the following coordinates: 27.632868, -80.350699). There we waited. Since we had the incorrect sunrise time we were there waiting for about an hour. In that time frame Lovedy complained several times and when I tried to have her seat next to me in an attempt to be more romantic she told me that "If I wanted to sit down, I would of sit down already." She though I was being bossy. Even though she was being a big baby pain in the ass, I had the sweet satisfaction that she didn't have a clue of what was going on.

Finally the sun started to come up. It was not the usual sunrise. There were so many clouds that we could not see the sun, but it did show some cool heaven like pink rays. Right after the sun came out, Lovedy started to be her normal self and we were hugging. I had placed the ring box on the inside pocket of my jacket and was always holding it with my hand so she wouldn't feel it on me and would ask about it. After a few minutes she insisted we left already. Right when we were about to leave, I called her over and said "Baby, I love you very much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I'm always saying stuff like that to her so she was like "oohh, I love you too." Then I got down on one knee. Her eyes opened and her face froze. I pulled out the box and said "Will you marry me?". She said "Are you for real?" I said "Yes." and she said "YES!, Did you call my dad?" and I said yes again.

Well it seems that the blue sapphire has powers (I got her a blue sapphire because she didn't want a diamond ring.), because it destroyed Lovedy the evil witch and brought out Lovedy the happiest girl in the world. We then went to have breakfast at BK and continued on our 12 hour road trip to Sanford, North Carolina. On the way she called a bunch of people and I had to hear the story over and over and over and over again.
I love you guys!!! Congratulations!! Nice job G'mo on the suprise...engagement...
awww...i am so happy for you both. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Congratulations!! Now that's the romantic guille I know. You even got on one knee. I love you guys and wish you the best!
Lmao That was the most real engangement story i've ever heard!
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