Thursday, December 25, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
A bunch of Noah
If you can't get enough of Noah, today is your lucky day. We've been lazy to upload these, but here you go.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Light Decor Miami Style
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The Quaker House Tour
Quaker House Tour from Guillermo Muniz on Vimeo.
My father in law Edwin Patterson gave us a tour of his restoration site in Harnett County, NC. I made a short video of the largest house on his site. The Quaker house. Click on the vimeo link to watch it in high quality.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Obama Got Soul video
I edited this short video. This is my small contribution to the obama campaing. Got all the content from the web.
Barack Obama,
i got soul,
Monday, September 8, 2008
Miguel and Vannia
Last Saturday we went to Miguel and Vannia's wedding at Key Biscayne, FL. This is our second attempt to videotape a wedding. Hope you like it.
Miguel and Vannia Wedding Trailer from Unik Productions on Vimeo.
Miguel and Vannia Wedding Trailer from Unik Productions on Vimeo.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Welcome, Noah!
Hello, Noah arrived yesterday August 16, 2008 at 1:19pm. His Weight was 8Lbs 4Ounces and he was 19 3/4 Inces long. Mom did great. Both Mom and baby are healthy and fine. We should be back home monday 8/18.08. For those of you that can't be here, but wished you were. Here is a video. Enjoy!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Lovedy and Guille Slideshow
Here is the slideshow from the wedding and some extra pictures. Just figured there will be only pictures and videos of you know who from now on so here is the last post of our pre baby life.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Fernando Celis 31st Birthday
Fernado Celis is my best friend. We've known each other 18 years. On July 25th, 2008 he turned 31. Here is a video of his shindig.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Noahs Baby Shower Pictures
Yesterday we had Noah's Miami Baby shower. Thank you to all of you who came and all who gave us presents for the baby. Here are some pictures courtesy of Laidys. Video coming soon..
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Anthony and Michelle Pego Wedding
The day after 4th of July we went to Anthony and Michelle's wedding. Anthony work with me. He is the manager of one of my departments. Excuse the final quote is an inside joke and Anthony was super drunk.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
London Trip June 20th, 2008
I went to the UK last Wednesday with two co-workers to meet some customers. we spent Thrusday and Friday morning in South Hampton and Friday afternoon and night in London.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Jonathan and Julie Wedding
This is was the wedding of my friend Jonathan and his wife Julie. We drove to Jacksonville to attend 5/31/08.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Emma Pookie Gangsta G
My Goddaughter Emma came by today to hang out by the pool and drink some gin and milk.
Monday, May 26, 2008
My Parents Europe Trip
This is video from my parents Eurpean cruise. They went with my uncle Ruben and my uncles Petribel and Pedro. The cruise left miami made several stops like St. Marteen, Funchal, Spain, and Italy.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The Baptism of Emma
Last Sunday May 11th I became the Godfather of Emma Villaviciencio. Here is the video.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Who is Bruno?
Bruno is one of our best friends. We think he has diffrent personalities, but they are all hilarious. Here is bruno..
Friday, April 25, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Honeymoon Day One
Hello, We are currently relaxing in our hotel in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. We got off to an interesting start when our flight from Miami to San Juan got delayed by an hour and a half. We arrived in Puerto Rico right when the flight to Punta Cana was leaving so we couldn't make it. I spoke with an attendant to try to figure out a way to still get to the hotel that same night since we would not get a refund if we didn't arrive in time, but there were no other Punta Cana flights for that day and the only other one was at 1pm the next day. I asked about going to Santo Domingo (the capital of the Dominican Republic) and then getting a flight from there to Punta Cana, but the attendant said that all those flights were local and American Airlines didn't have a partnership with them so we were on our own once we got there. I asked her if she would give us a voucher for ground transportation from Santo Domingo to Punta Cana and she agreed. The ground trip would take 3 1/2 to 4 hours. The flight would leave in an our so we had to go get our bags from the baggage claim, check back in, and pray we had time to make it. Our luck we went down to get our bags and they didn't come out.
We went to the baggage counter and they told us the bags were on their way to Punta Cana in our original flight. By this time it was too late to catch the 5:45pm flight to Santo Domingo so we walked over to the ticketing counter (again) to see what our options were. There was another flight to Santo Domingo at 10pm. We decided to wait until that flight and figure out the rest once we got to Santo Domingo. The airline gave us the option to use a hotel voucher to stay overnight in Santo Domingo and then use a voucher for the ground transportation the following morning or go straight to Punta Cana when our flight landed at 11pm. As for our luggage, the plan was that we would pick it up at the Punta Cana airport. As we were walking out we ran into a couple we had met at the baggage claim that was in our same situation and they told us that they found their bags on the wrong carousel so we went to look found ours too.
Since we were in my hometown of San Juan, Puerto Rico, I called my mom's brother, Ruben, and he came to pick us up. We made arrangements with my aunt Patribel (my mom's sister) and my uncle Pedro (her husband for dinner and when we got to their home they had the table ready to eat "chuletas" (Pork chops) and arroz con gandules (rice and pigeon beans). It was awesome! We then went to visit my cousin Jorge (Petribel's son) and his wife Joan, who just had a baby a month ago. I met his newborn Rafaella and his son Jorgito who is 2 years old. I'm actually glad that we got delayed since I had some time to visit part of my family.
We arrived at the airport in San Juan at 9pm and had no issues once we got there. We took the 45 minute flight from San Juan to Santo Domingo and Lovedy slept the whole way. Once we got there I was hoping there would be at least one more flight left to Puta Cana from one of the local flight operators. No such luck. The airport was all closed down. The only person who was there was one girl for American Airlines. I talked it over with Lovedy and we decided to go ahead and go straight to Punta Cana with the taxi they would provide. The guy who took us must have been in a hurry because we made in two and a half hours. Lovedy slept in the back seat the whole time. I felt I needed to stay up in case any funny business occurred. There was one time on the way that we had to cross a street and there were 5 armed guards with shotguns. I soon found out that they were the police. They stopped us and talked to the taxi driver, but they knew each other so we said hi and went on our way. It did feel weird for a second since it looked like one of those movies where the army stops you and something crazy happens, but thankfully nothing happened.
On the way I saw a lot poverty and low income neighborhoods, but once we got to the tourist section (after almost running into a few horses on the street) you could see all the nice hotel buildings. When we got to our hotel we were very pleased. It is super nice. Our room is way better than we expected. My parents hooked it up. The suite had a living room, dinning room, bedroom, Jacuzzi room, bathroom and patio.
Right now I'm getting the evil eye from Lovedy because I've been using the computerforever, but I think we should document our trip. The day is beautiful - sun, breeze, and great beaches. Hopefully the only thing we have to take care of today is figuring out which of the seven restaurants available in the hotel to dine in.
To check out the Hotel go to and to see our room go to suites and it is "THE RESERVE" suite on the lower right. Felix and Norma thanks again, we will fully enjoy these next few days. I'll post if anything else exciting happens, otherwise assume we are relaxing...
Lovedy has been passed out in the couch next to me the whole time it took me to write this.
-G (editing and some additions by Lovedy)
We went to the baggage counter and they told us the bags were on their way to Punta Cana in our original flight. By this time it was too late to catch the 5:45pm flight to Santo Domingo so we walked over to the ticketing counter (again) to see what our options were. There was another flight to Santo Domingo at 10pm. We decided to wait until that flight and figure out the rest once we got to Santo Domingo. The airline gave us the option to use a hotel voucher to stay overnight in Santo Domingo and then use a voucher for the ground transportation the following morning or go straight to Punta Cana when our flight landed at 11pm. As for our luggage, the plan was that we would pick it up at the Punta Cana airport. As we were walking out we ran into a couple we had met at the baggage claim that was in our same situation and they told us that they found their bags on the wrong carousel so we went to look found ours too.
Since we were in my hometown of San Juan, Puerto Rico, I called my mom's brother, Ruben, and he came to pick us up. We made arrangements with my aunt Patribel (my mom's sister) and my uncle Pedro (her husband for dinner and when we got to their home they had the table ready to eat "chuletas" (Pork chops) and arroz con gandules (rice and pigeon beans). It was awesome! We then went to visit my cousin Jorge (Petribel's son) and his wife Joan, who just had a baby a month ago. I met his newborn Rafaella and his son Jorgito who is 2 years old. I'm actually glad that we got delayed since I had some time to visit part of my family.
We arrived at the airport in San Juan at 9pm and had no issues once we got there. We took the 45 minute flight from San Juan to Santo Domingo and Lovedy slept the whole way. Once we got there I was hoping there would be at least one more flight left to Puta Cana from one of the local flight operators. No such luck. The airport was all closed down. The only person who was there was one girl for American Airlines. I talked it over with Lovedy and we decided to go ahead and go straight to Punta Cana with the taxi they would provide. The guy who took us must have been in a hurry because we made in two and a half hours. Lovedy slept in the back seat the whole time. I felt I needed to stay up in case any funny business occurred. There was one time on the way that we had to cross a street and there were 5 armed guards with shotguns. I soon found out that they were the police. They stopped us and talked to the taxi driver, but they knew each other so we said hi and went on our way. It did feel weird for a second since it looked like one of those movies where the army stops you and something crazy happens, but thankfully nothing happened.
On the way I saw a lot poverty and low income neighborhoods, but once we got to the tourist section (after almost running into a few horses on the street) you could see all the nice hotel buildings. When we got to our hotel we were very pleased. It is super nice. Our room is way better than we expected. My parents hooked it up. The suite had a living room, dinning room, bedroom, Jacuzzi room, bathroom and patio.
Right now I'm getting the evil eye from Lovedy because I've been using the computerforever, but I think we should document our trip. The day is beautiful - sun, breeze, and great beaches. Hopefully the only thing we have to take care of today is figuring out which of the seven restaurants available in the hotel to dine in.
To check out the Hotel go to and to see our room go to suites and it is "THE RESERVE" suite on the lower right. Felix and Norma thanks again, we will fully enjoy these next few days. I'll post if anything else exciting happens, otherwise assume we are relaxing...
Lovedy has been passed out in the couch next to me the whole time it took me to write this.
-G (editing and some additions by Lovedy)
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Tent Assembly
Hello, We are actually getting ready for our honeymoon. We leave Thursday around 1pm and we'll be off to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. I've been keeping busy with my video editing. I started the large wedding video, there is a lot of footage so I'm indexing it first. In the meantime here is another short clip. This is the tent assembly for the wedding. The tape was an hour long and I shrunk it down to 40 seconds. I ran out of tape to catch the whole thing but it still looks cool.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
The Godfather
Lourdes and Omar Villavicencio both old friends from Highschool have asked me to be the Godfather of little Emma. It's an honor to be selected for this role. Here is a video of Emma with Tysa cracking up. Lourdes and Omar wanted me to put her on youtube to see how many hits she gets.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
An experiment in Stop Motion Video
Browsing through youtube videos I ran into a stop motion video. I found it super cool and wanted to give it a try. Stop motion is a technique that is done by taking a series of pictures and then displaying them back to back at about 4 to 5 pictures per second. Looking back after I encoded the video I should have worn a shirt.. :) This 40 seconds of stop motion took two hours to shoot and 30 minutes to edit.
Friday, March 28, 2008
The Small Wedding Album
I spent the last four nights working on this small album with the wedding pictures. If you wish to get a copy for yourself go to
Click here! you can get it there. The book is Standard Landscape 10x8 inches (25x20 cm) 58 pages, you can pick soft or hard cover.
Click here! you can get it there. The book is Standard Landscape 10x8 inches (25x20 cm) 58 pages, you can pick soft or hard cover.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Wedding Pictures
We got the Pictures!! Click on the pictures below to see the Galleries. If you want a print of any of them done professionally to diffrent sizes go to password is sofia. You may also print the lower resolution picture from the gallery below through Picasa and their distributors. Once inside the gallery you can select the pictures look on the right of the screen for ordering prints.
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Guillermo and Lovedy Wedding Gallery 1 |
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Guillermo and Lovedy Wedding Gallery 2 |
Friday, March 21, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Short Wedding Video
Here is some of the video of our wedding. I just threw a couple of clips together last night. I'm going to have to sit down and do the editing for the whole thing, but that is going to take me a while. Hope you get a feel for what happened.
Monday, March 17, 2008
We got Married!
We got Married last saturday 3/15/08. I haven't gotten the pictures from the photographer and haven't had time to do a mini video. To top it off I've been without internet for 3 days now. I realize now I use the internet for a lot of things. I'm at my parents house doing some paperwork for taxes. Here are some pictures my friend fernando took from the wedding until we can get evething else online.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Footvolley Weekend
This is the last week before the wedding. I took the week off to take care of all the details. I'm posting because this last Saturday I went to a Footvolley tournament. My friends brother Sergio organizes the event every year. He needed a camera man to record some of the event. Here is the video I shot and edited for him.
Vertigo Version
Vertigo Version
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Super Sofia
This year has turned out a little more exciting than anticipated. Well lets recap.
1. Engagement
2. Planning a wedding at home
3. a Baby on the way.
Ohh , yea we got a puppy. It was all Lovedy's doing. I refused, but I gave in for her birthday. We are getting an early training on not sleeping.
Here is Sofia..
1. Engagement
2. Planning a wedding at home
3. a Baby on the way.
Ohh , yea we got a puppy. It was all Lovedy's doing. I refused, but I gave in for her birthday. We are getting an early training on not sleeping.
Here is Sofia..
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
New Years Party 2008
Happy New Year! We had a very fun get together with a few of our good friends at our house. We had lots of fun, we were partying until 4:00am. I'll let the video explain it all.
To see all the pictures click here -> New Years Party Pictures.
To see all the pictures click here -> New Years Party Pictures.
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